Thursday 24 January 2013

Its Definitely All Worked Out For The Best...

After a first (almost full) week at The Village Bicycle, I've come to realise that perhaps the phrase 'everything happens for a reason' might be partly true...
I'm enjoying myself so much. The girls in the office are so friendly and laid back but also clearly know exactly what they're dealing with in the world of fashion.

Check out the office...its cute...

I've spent the majority of my first week writing articles for The Village Bicycle blog...

It's cool to have to do a bit of writing for a change, its really made my brain work but in a good way! VB are a lifestyle brand as well as a fashion brand so I've been set tasks to write about musicians, djs, actors and cultural issues as well as obviously fashion stories.

VB are collaborating with a new restaurant / bar in Notting Hill called 'Rum Kitchen' (a Caribbean themed place) for a promotional night on Valentines day. Another task I was set during the week was to do some research for Mia into this. They've decided due to the night being on Valentines day, they're going to make it a speed dating evening. Therefore, I was set the task this week also to think up / find some interesting speed dating questions (fairly amusing), think up some names of cocktails and research some imagery which could perhaps be used on flyers promoting the night. I had to try and encorporate the VB brand aswell as the feel of Rum Kitchen as well as the idea of Valentines day into all of it.
This was a cool task and I ended up getting some pretty good feedback from my work...
Just hoping I get an invite to the event now!! (I'm not sure speed dating will be on the cards for me...although I have been single for quite a while now...)

VB are very on the ball when it comes to promoting their brand through social networking sites (i.e. Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr). Mia has put me in charge this week, and for the rest of my time there, of posting daily feeds on the VB Facebook. These vary from sales posts to just funny images found on Tumblr for example which the VB audience would appreciate :)

Just a few more snaps from around the office...

Defo not used to these long days though...some of these bad boys at lunchtime keep me going...

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