Monday 21 January 2013

It's All Gone Tits Up...

So...first problem...was let down by the placement I had secured since November on the weekend prior to the Monday I was meant to start...Brilliant!

7th Man Magazine = down the pan.

However (after a sleepless, food-less, extremely stressful few days) my dear friend Shaima managed to sort me out a placement at the same place as her...'The Village Bicycle'. What a LIFESAVER.
I kind of felt like I was just there as a bit of a favour...however, I have since learnt that they were in fact looking for another intern anyway...perfect! 

'The Village Bicycle' is a cool little shop in Notting Hill...I'm working in the offices behind the scenes. I'll be mainly assisting the Online Fashion Editor; Mia Lillingston...

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