Thursday 31 January 2013

Hard Labour...

Monday was HARD WORK! I was physically hurting when the day was done...

A lot of lugging of boxes (and sofas and coffee tables) was involved...

Fortunately I had my team mate Shaima here to help me. We had to completely turn around the office firstly i.e. handle several very heavy boxes and clothes rails.

We then had to make two separate journeys to the shop on the bus with more than we could carry really...the 'Big Penis Book(s)' and 'Big Book of Boobs' were a special treat to carry!

The afternoon consisted of us arranging for a sofa to be transported across west London from the bosses house to the office...yes we had a courier but we still had to load and unload the van and get up a floor of the office block.
Next challenge was to fit the sofa together (it was currently in pieces)...after about an hour we came to the decision that there was definitely a piece of it missing...brill!

At least I didn't feel bad for not going to the gym after work that day...

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