Tuesday 26 February 2013

Time Out...

Pretty chilled Monday and Tuesday just getting on with blog writing as per... Had a bit of a mid-week day off on Wednesday to help (as an SLA) with the First Year's show...thought I'd wack it on here though as I guess it is all part of work experience in the end...

Us SLA's were all assigned to a group each to mentor throughout the day...
Was actually very impressed with their level of organisation and teamwork! Much MUCH calmer than we were last year...

Anyway, all of their shows were very impressive with very interesting concepts...
Here's a few shots from throughout the day.

After party at the good ol' Claddagh was fairly amusing too...definitely shouldn't have drunk as much as I did as it was back to the VB at 9.30 the next morning for a VERY full on day...

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