Tuesday 26 February 2013

Last Few Days...

The last few days of the internship went back to normal. General blog writing and sorting out of the office...

Over all I absolutely loved working at the Village Bicycle. The girls in the office were amazing to us and couldn't have been friendlier! 
Although perhaps not exactly what I aim to do in the future, definitely a good experience with some good contacts made. The offer is even there for us to come back whenever we want!

Just a little snap of the sunset over the canal on our final walk to the bus stop...

Village Bicycle X The Rum Kitchen...

So, as I mentioned a few weeks ago, The Village Bicycle have been organising a collaboration night with The Rum Kitchen in Notting Hill...tonight was the night of the much waited event.
In the afternoon, I left the e commerce shoot to go and help at The Rum Kitchen with goody bags and the likes of that...

The night went amazingly...as I said before, it was a speed dating night (due to it being Valentines day)...heres a few shots of the evening in full swing...

Of course there were a few celebs there...the main one being VB's favourite Rita Ora...not a huge fan myself but it was still pretty cool.

E Commerce Shoot...

On Thursday, me and my fellow intern Shaima were separated for the day...
I stayed in the office (very hungover) and assisted an e commerce shoot...just general intern things had to be done. Dressing the model, steaming, fetching lunch etc.
The shoot was very well organised however and I think we got through about 40 looks over all in the day!!!

Time Out...

Pretty chilled Monday and Tuesday just getting on with blog writing as per... Had a bit of a mid-week day off on Wednesday to help (as an SLA) with the First Year's show...thought I'd wack it on here though as I guess it is all part of work experience in the end...

Us SLA's were all assigned to a group each to mentor throughout the day...
Was actually very impressed with their level of organisation and teamwork! Much MUCH calmer than we were last year...

Anyway, all of their shows were very impressive with very interesting concepts...
Here's a few shots from throughout the day.

After party at the good ol' Claddagh was fairly amusing too...definitely shouldn't have drunk as much as I did as it was back to the VB at 9.30 the next morning for a VERY full on day...

Monday 18 February 2013


Friday of this week was CHAOS...but all fairly fun chaos.
The office was so full of photography equipment, photographers, photographer's assistants, stylists, makeup artists, models and OF COURSE interns, me and Shaima had to resort to the comfort of the sofa to work. I wasn't complaining. It was much nicer than sitting at a desk all day, plus we had a front row view of all the action.

Although the office was a really small place to have a shoot, there was a really energetic vibe about it. 

As I've said before there were tow models on the day; Cici and Deedee (weird). A main job for me was to write a Q&A for both models which could be published on the VB blog after the shoot. I had to make sure it was fun, but also that each Q&A was customised for each model. I.e Cici is also and Dj and Deedee is an illustration student.

Here are the two Q&As I came up with...

 Describe your wardrobe to us in three words...
Whose wardrobe would you most like to raid?
You're at uni...what are you studying?
What inspires your work?
What's the best advice you've ever been given?
When you're not modelling or studying, what do you like to do?
What is one thing you'd never do?
Where is your favourite place in the world?
What's the one thing you never leave home without?
Would you rather be chased by 10 duck sized horses or 1 horse sized duck?

Describe your style to us in 5 words...
When you were little what did you want to be?
Whats the funnest shoot you've ever done?
Whats the worst thing about being a model?
You Dj as well...what sort of stuff do you play?
Which album could you listen to forever and not get bored of?
Whats one thing about yourself that not many people know?
If you knew the world was going to end tomorrow, what would you do?
Have you got a party trick?
What couldn't you live without?
Any words of wisdom?

Heres a few more shots of how the day unravelled...

Monday 11 February 2013

Getting Ready...

Back to work on the Thursday...spent a lot of the day preparing for the shoot that was going to happen in out office turned studio the following day...

It was cool to help the fashion editor pull looks and photograph them with polaroids. Of course there were typical intern jobs to be done as well such as steaming the items (although I actually found this quite satisfying in a weird kinda way!)

Pretty excited to see the shoot happening tomorrow...check out the smokin' models that are going to be working with us...

Deedee and...


Who would have thought.

Same Old...

The beginning of week 4 started off pretty much the same as the other weeks. Just doing lots of writing for the VB blog and updating their social media sites...

One quite exciting thing was that the fashion editor did finally upload some of my work on to the actual blog...(my first credited piece)

Here's another one I did...

I had to go to the hospital on the Wednesday (due to an extremely annoying infection growing on my face...not pretty), so the week was passing pretty quickly!...

Tuesday 5 February 2013

The Rest of Week 3...

So as well as all of my usual jobs for the rest of my week, Mia introduced me to the Village Bicycle's Pintrest...I've heard quite a lot about Pintrest, but haven't actually got into it myself yet.
Really like it...
Here's a few screen shots from the Village Bicycle Pintrest...

Friday 1 February 2013